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151 (diagnostic) -> 161 -> 165 -> 171: Four Years Later

georgianablythe16georgianablythe16 Alum Member
in Off-topic 143 karma

I took my first diagnostic LSAT in 2019 and got a 151. Last week I opened my LSAC account to see my final score from my third take: 171. To say I'm ecstatic is an understatement. It's been a long, long journey to get here. Through battling an anxiety disorder and, until recently, undiagnosed OCD. Through working multiple jobs at once and trying to study in my down time. Through navigating the normal ups and downs of life. It has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I've ever done. It took one year of procrastination, two years of on and off studying, and one year of dedicated, give-it-everything I've got studying to get here. And you can do it too! Don't worry about other people's timelines, their successes or failures. Focus on your goal and work tirelessly to get there. I believe in you just as much as I believed in myself!

Thank you 7sage for my first introduction to the LSAT, for walking me through conditional logic, diagramming, and question types. Oh, and for your stellar logic games curriculum. Saved my life. Thank you to LR Perfection to finally getting me consistently scoring -0 to -5 on LR sections. Thank you to Powerscore for their LR discussion forums and their podcast. Thank you to this community and the LSAT subreddit community for answering questions, alleviating fears, and encouraging me to keep going. And thank you to me, for sticking with it.


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