LSAT 149 – Section 4 – Question 05

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Safety expert: Tuna is often treated with carbon monoxide so that it will not turn brown as it ages. Treating tuna with carbon monoxide does not make it harmful in any way. Nonetheless, there is a danger that such treatment will result in more people getting sick from eating tuna.

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Why might treating tuna with carbon monoxide cause more people to get sick from eating tuna when the carbon monoxide treatments don’t make the fish harmful in any way?


The right answer will introduce some reason why treating tuna with carbon monoxide might cause more people to get sick from eating tuna. That reason cannot be a direct health risk of the carbon monoxide treatment, because the stimulus tells us that the treatment doesn’t make the tuna harmful. Instead, the answer must describe some causal impact that the treatments have on the way tuna is consumed.

Workers in fish processing plants can be sickened by exposure to carbon monoxide if the appropriate safety procedures are not followed at those plants.

The stimulus says that the carbon monoxide treatments might cause more sickness specifically from eating tuna. If we were looking for a reason why the carbon monoxide treatments might cause more people to get sick in general, this would be perfect.

Over the last several years, tuna consumption has increased in most parts of the world.

This has nothing to do with the carbon monoxide treatments, so it doesn’t help resolve the discrepancy.

Tuna that is treated with carbon monoxide provides no visible indication when it has spoiled to the point that it can cause food poisoning.

This explains why treating tuna with carbon monoxide might cause more people to get sick from eating tuna: if people can’t see that the tuna has gone bad, they might eat spoiled tuna (ew) and get sick! With untreated tuna, people are more likely to see when the fish goes bad.

Treating tuna with carbon monoxide is the only way to keep it from turning brown as it ages.

This doesn’t provide any information about how the carbon monoxide treatments might lead to more people getting sick from eating tuna, so it doesn’t help resolve the discrepancy.

Most consumers strongly prefer tuna that is not brown because they believe that brown tuna is not fresh.

This might explain why companies would want to treat their tuna with carbon monoxide, but it doesn’t provide any information about why the treatments might lead to more people getting sick from eating tuna.

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