Live Sessions and Webinars

LR: Deep Dive (with Lowri Thomas) · Alex Jacobs

Event Series LR: Deep Dive
Pace: Slow Logical Reasoning

When drilling or taking a PT, you usually have little time to bore into the intricacies of any one question. There’s often much more value to mine! This class will cover a few especially difficult LR questions at length- learn to look for the often-overlooked aspects of a question, and improve your reviewing technique.

LR: Set of the Day · Alex Jacobs

Event Series LR: Set of the Day
Logical Reasoning

With a double portion of LR guaranteed every test, the Logical Reasoning section is more important than ever! Mondays through Wednesdays will feature questions of average difficulty, while Thursdays and Fridays will feature the most challenging questions the test has to offer.

7Sage Orientation [FREE] · Bailey Luber

Event Series 7Sage Orientation

Embark on your LSAT journey by attending a 7Sage Orientation! Specifically designed to guide LSAT beginners, this class offers a clear roadmap, strategic study plans, and a wealth of essential resources to provide you with the tools needed to kickstart your LSAT preparation. Best of all, we're offering this empowering session at no cost!

Study Plan Workshop [FREE] · Bailey Luber

Event Series Study Plan Workshop

Facing a plateau in your studies and not sure what to do? Need help planning out the next few months of your studies? This workshop will cover everything you need to know about creating the perfect study plan to get you to your goal score. After a short lecture on the tenets of studying, participating […]

LR: Getting to Perfect · Rahela Sami

Event Series LR: Getting to Perfect
Difficulty: Moderate Logical Reasoning

In this class you will learn something shocking: you can perfect logical reasoning. Though the rules aren't quite as clear-cut as the logic games of the past, LR questions definitely fall into repeating patterns! Join LR guru Rahela Sami for a weekly exploration of the finer points of this section type.

LR in Action with Bailey and Alex · Bailey Luber

Event Series LR in Action
Timing Strategy Logical Reasoning

Join senior 7Sage LSAT instructors Bailey and Alex as they tackle unprepared LSAT questions in real-time, offering you a window into their thought processes and strategies while the clock is ticking. How does a top scorer approach timing differently, and which habits are most effective?

RC: Phenomenon-Hypothesis Passages · Rahela Sami

Event Series RC Passage Styles
Reading Comprehension

A pattern especially common in science passages are ones that present a question (phenomenon) and then evaluate a possible explanation (hypothesis). Recognizing the common patterns that occur in phenomenon-hypothesis passages can improve your speed and comprehension whenever you encounter them. This class will cover tips and strategies that will help you recognize and navigate this […]