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Logic Game Progress

slee146slee146 Member
I've been studying for logic games for about 2 weeks or so, trying out the fool proof method.
As I was covering the games from Pt18~28, I was averaging about -3 or -1 in the earlier ones.
But I got completely destroy by Pt 27 then scored perfect on Pt 28 on time. (BTW I did both on thr same day)
I'm not sure how confident I should feel with the game section.
To think that the score can fluctuate so much between 2 Pts was a bit shocking.
Does unorthodox games also become more predictable after continuous practice?


  • The 180 Bro_OVOThe 180 Bro_OVO Alum Inactive ⭐
    1392 karma
    I'm sure some of the high scorers can give their opinion, but I don't think you should worry. With just two weeks in, you're still learning. (We all are tbh)

    So just keep pushing, review the section thoroughly that gave you trouble and take more sections
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma
    PT 27 is one of the top 5 hardest LG sections of all time in my estimation. Snakes and lizards is an infamously difficult game. It is possible for LG scores to fluctuate drastically. True mastery comes when you no longer see such swings.

    The ability to handle unorthodox games comes with practice in a variety of ways.

    Other extremely difficult sets:
    PT C (in my estimation the single hardest set of all time)
    PT February 1997 (Game 3 and 4 are both very difficult)
    PT 36: which contains in my estimation the single hardest game of all time

    Keep at it and keep us posted
  • slee146slee146 Member
    42 karma
    Thank you for the advice!!
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