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Serious stupid mistake I made today (never do this)

bjptrashbjptrash Free Trial Member
edited February 2017 in February 2017 LSAT 5 karma

I had LG(exp)-LR-RC-LG-LR

The first LG section, which is confirmed to be an experimental one, was extremely hard for me, so I had to guess the last 10 questions. Since my goal is to get >170, guessing these questions made me panic and forget to think that this could be an experimental section. As a result, I immediately gave up, only thinking about cancelling the score, and I just stared at the second section for the first 10 minutes or so. However, after I got to myself and started to solve, I realized that this section was easier than I thought, but because I just stared at it for the first 10 minutes, I could not finish about 10 questions. Even worse, I found the rest of the test to be relatively easy (compared to what I have been practicing/solving), and it was too late when I finally realized that the first section could be an experimental section (which is confirmed to be).

I don't know how to end this since I am just writing this down as I think, but I could have achieved my goal today only if I did not immediately give up....


  • Q.E.DQ.E.D Alum Member
    edited February 2017 556 karma

    Sorry you got flustered. It takes a lot to collect yourself in the middle of LG like that.

    LG, LR, RC, LG, LR. I can't tell which one was experimental. Any way I can find out without breaking the rules? If they don't change the order, I guess it was the 2nd?

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8706 karma

    It seemed like the exam snowballed from the first section onward. Tough break. I hope you have a retake left and consider this a learning experience. Thank you for sharing.

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma

    @"Q.E.D" said:
    Sorry you got flustered. It takes a lot to collect yourself in the middle of LG like that.

    LG, LR, RC, LG, LR. I can't tell which one was experimental. Any way I can find out without breaking the rules? If they don't change the order, I guess it was the 2nd?

    I'm following 2 threads on the test. I had LG, LR, RC, LG, LR. From what I'm reading, the section with the Gold/Silver game was the real one. That was my first LG section.

  • Q.E.DQ.E.D Alum Member
    556 karma

    @cam Dang it. I did better on the fake one. Thanks man.

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