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Admissions Decisions

cjanegriffithcjanegriffith Member
edited March 2017 in Law School Admissions 9 karma

Hi everyone!
I'm kind of stuck with a few good offers, but a lot of silence.

Full scholarships from ASU and IU. (Took Feb. LSAT so I know I'm late to the game.)

Complete silence from: BU, Georgetown, Vandy, UVA, BC, UW. Has anyone else NOT heard from these schools? Afraid of what the silence means.

For some background, currently enrolled in undergrad at Purdue, hoping to work in foreign affairs or for a multinational corporation. Brother in Boston. Parents retiring in Phoenix. S/O in Seattle. Vandy/Georgetown were my reaches, but it looks like I could get in, given their LSN profiles.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    What exactly do you mean by "foreign affairs or for a multinational corporation"? Just wondering because that seems to be of a bit of a vague career goal. General speaking, international law is very much a unicorn job.

    However, a slow yes is better than a quick no. I would try to attend to best ranked school to give yourself a shot at the job you seem to be aiming for.

    No way to retake for a higher LSAT that could get you into a T6 where international corporate work may be easier to get to. also, work experience in business/ a business background would also be something that's important to consider. Perhaps work for a couple years after UG in a business / corp and study for the LSAT and retake.

    Otherwise, good luck and I hope you hear some good news from the schools you are still waiting on!

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    You may be waiting till mid-April. I know UVA when I looked into them said they guarantee a decision by April 15th if you got your stuff in by the regular decision deadline. I believe moat schools are in this ballpark too as long as you made your deadlines.

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