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I noticed that the video interface has changed recently, and after the change I've been having serious lagging issues. This lagging problem especially prevalent when I put the video speed above the regular 1.0x. The video would run for ten seconds, lag for 3 seconds, run for another few seconds, then lag again....
Am I the only one who is having this problem?
I've noticed issues with the videos loading slowly through the mobile app
Yes, I've been having this issue too
The shortcut controls are not working for me either.
Heh. I had some choppiness last night but I attributed it to my ISP. Makes sense that it could be the new website since I didn't have issues with anything else.
We're working on restoring this!
It was minor. But definitely uncommon. I hadn't experienced anything like it before (which is why I thought it could have been the ISP or something in the neighborhood). I have like 100mbps down and 40 up
I'm not having any problems on any device, but admittedly, I have a pretty high speed internet, up and down. Also, I always use Chrome on 'puter, but app for phone and ipad. Everything seems to be OK for me.
Sorry, I'm not much help.
It was slow for me yesterday when I was using the iPad, also there was no possibility to use the flashplayer (which I prefer lol) on the iPad.
Problem was non-existent for me last night. I think mine was ISP related. Tally-ho!
Are there only certain browsers that I can only play videos on? because I've noticed that unless I'm on my mac or ipad, I do not even have the option of playing the video at higher speeds. So I've been having problems in not being able to use the speed controls on certain browsers.
Flash does not work on iOS devices, never has. That's an Apple issue.
You can play them on all browsers, this has been tested. Please clear your cache and try again:
I'm only having issues on certain videos. Specifically the Quiz - Complex Conditional Translations 1-4. It actually doesn't only lag for few seconds. I couldn't watch pass 4 or 5 seconds of the video. All the other videos seem fine.
Update: I tried to use another browser (Microsoft Edge). It works fine, so I'm assuming it's only Chrome. I also cleared my cache. It doesn't solve the problem.
I'm getting weird pauses on that video as well, thanks for the heads up. Will look into it. It's not a loading issue as I wait for mine to load fully. Hm...
@"Dillon A. Wright" Thanks, but the issue is not that video is not playing, but just that the speed controls don't work on all my browsers (ex. 1.7x or 3x). I'm not sure why that is, but I'm not able to speed up a video when I play it on certain Windows devices.
Did you try clearing your cache as mentioned above? I've tried on multiple browsers and the speed options all work for me on Windows 10. What OS do you have?
Hey guys, an update on this:
Looks like we pinpointed the issues! The pausing should no longer be happening with the exception of these 4 videos:
All other videos should no longer be pausing. If they are, you may need to force-refresh and/or clear your cache:
Please let me know ASAP if you're still experiencing pausing!
Update on my update: The four listed videos are also fixed. Rejoice!