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Finding the Motivation To Continue Studying

mrodgers209mrodgers209 Member
edited May 2017 in General 114 karma

Hello Everyone!!!

In the journey of studying for the LSAT I have become a little exhausted! I'm trying to figure out what I can do to muster up energy to make it through the next 5 weeks before I sit for the June LSAT. If any of you have similar stories would you be so kind to tell me what you do to snap yourself back into the groove of things?!?!


  • Daniel.SieradzkiDaniel.Sieradzki Member Sage
    edited May 2017 2301 karma

    Hi mrodgers209,

    First off, good job on making it this far! What helped me is thinking about the end goal. By putting all this work in, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of going to a great school, getting to meet incredible people, and learning from the best in the business. How awesome is that? Try to visualize yourself at your dream school, then go make it a reality.

    I do want to stress the importance of not stressing yourself near the end (get it?). Try to take some breaks in order to avoid burnout. For the last week before the LSAT, I would just chill. Maybe do some LG, but nothing more. You put in the work at that point, it is just about keeping calm and relaxed. I am sure you are about to get some awesome advice from fellow 7Sagers. Enjoy!

    Good luck on the June test!

  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    I think you should take a short break now, maybe 3-5 days. It would be better to lose a bit of time studying, come back refreshed for the final 3 weeks, and be ready to go for the test than to keep slogging away and potentially really burn out right as the test date comes. Sometimes all you need is a few days off to get back to normal.

    I just took about 5 days off, came back today and took a PT and then scored my highest score yet. You're not going to forget everything you've learned by taking a small break, but you might find that being mentally refreshed is a huge benefit.

  • mrodgers209mrodgers209 Member
    114 karma

    Ahh.....#insight! Looking at what's gonna happen for me in the long haul is actually VERY refreshing and actually makes me so excited! I think I am going to take a few days off just to not burn myself out! Great suggestions! I love being a member of such a supportive community!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @mrodgers209 said:
    Ahh.....#insight! Looking at what's gonna happen for me in the long haul is actually VERY refreshing and actually makes me so excited! I think I am going to take a few days off just to not burn myself out! Great suggestions! I love being a member of such a supportive community!

    I agree with @AllezAllez21 and think a break for a few days is best. I try to take a few days off once every month or so (usually a long weekend) and I swear I am so much better when I come back.

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma

    @"Daniel.Sieradzki" said:
    Hi mrodgers209,

    First off, good job on making it this far! What helped me is thinking about the end goal. By putting all this work in, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of going to a great school, getting to meet incredible people, and learning from the best in the business. How awesome is that? Try to visualize yourself at your dream school, then go make it a reality.


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