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Extra Study

harrismeganharrismegan Member
edited August 2014 in General 2074 karma

I'm wondering what other people have done.
I just got the 300 dollar package and have been plugging along through the lessons. They are AMAZING thus far and I already feel 150% better about prepping for this exam.

So, in terms of looking at grammar, has anyone done extra than just what the lessons give you? I guess I'm wondering, in addition to the problems given, does anyone branch off and do more?


  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    edited August 2014 827 karma
    I don't know whether you are asking if anyone has done extra work JUST FOR GRAMMAR or just extra work in general. But, what I can say is that when I first began studying I had read on some forums to read items like The Economist, Scientific American, and New Yorker outside of studying, as it will improve your ability to read on LR/RC.

    Let me first say that prior to the LSAT I was not an avid, nor am I now. So right off the bat I was like "well yeah that stuff will help everyone else but I cannot see myself doing it". Eventually I broke down and gave it try, I went and got the recent edition of the economist. I chose the economist as I am a business/economic graduate, and figured that would be best suited for me. Well, I was totally wrong. So I got turned off to the idea of external reading again. I broke down again, this time buying the recent edition of Scientific American. Let me say, what a difference this made to external reading material. Maybe it was personal preference, but for me, I liked the Scientific American articles for the fact that they are more condensed than the economist. Other than the "main features", most of the articles take up only a part of the page, which means they are quite similar to reading comp passages.

    My point is, if you are trying to find extra work to do outside of the LSAT that will improve your score definitely look for whatever type of reading material you prefer. I can say that it helped me, and it will likely help you. Just getting used of reading boring complex information will make you feel much more comfortable when reading the lsat stimulus'
  • GraceloverGracelover Alum Member
    440 karma
    Yes! I read the Economist, I fool-proofed the logic games from PT 1-30, and I did some logic puzzles out of a book written by George Summers. Also: read this:
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Perfect! I am going to try reading the Scientific American and the article you just posted. I appreciate it!
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