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I have always been a fan of looking at different rankings since everyone focuses on certain variables when generating rankings. ATL focuses more on employment outcomes the most so I find theirs interesting. As they say, knowledge is power...
Dope. Thank you
Anyone know why NYU ranks 9 points below its USN ranking? Does NYU do worse relative to other T14's in terms of employment outcomes?
They also take into account relative cost/employment salaries! They just released the podcast today explaining the metrics behind it, and it's definitely worth a listen!
Thanks for the share!
@thisissparta the rankings are different than the US News ranking. ATL weighs sallary and employment opportunities the most.
I feel that these are one of the best methodologies since it weighs what is the most important: Can you get a secure, long-term, well paying job.
Thanks for your reply @akeegs92! I'm aware that their rankings work differently. I was just curious why NYU had the most significant drop (when compared to USN rankings) among all the T14s.
Thank you for the link!
@thisissparta i listened to their podcast today and I believe they specifically singled out the NYC schools due to the obscene cost of attendance. They did agree that they give great employment opportunities, but they also look at the total cost to the student. As we all know living in NYC is exponentially more expensive than most US cities.
This is great! Thanks for sharing! @shindavis16 have you seen this?
The difference between GA State and Emory is surprising! Whoa! I certainly thought it would be the other way around.
oh cool. never looked at these rankings. thanks for sharing!
@thisissparta Ahhhh I see. @slcaldwell82590 answer is better of an answer than I could give. Don't know a ton about NYC schools.
That makes sense. Thanks, @slcaldwell82590!
No worries @akeegs92!
Still appreciate your input