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are you studying to the last minute and showing up in your pajamas?
treating this like the olympics and wearing athletic gear complete with sweat bands?
channelling your big law dreams with a new custom tailored navy blue suit?
pissed off that you can't rock your silicon valley chic hoodie?
me: jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt, good luck socks, and a pair of vans.
Good question! I've taken a few PT's in my day-of garb, just as an extra little something to reduce the level of uncertainty on test day. I'll be rocking baby blue shorts (my faves), sneakers (for the comfortability factor), a t-shirt, and a long sleeve pull-over shirt so that I have options to shed layers depending on the room temperature.
Also... I haven't had a hair cut for too long now because I stupidly uploaded a photo of myself with long hair for my test-day ticket, and I'm scared of my ticket not "matching my appearance on the day of the test."
I always wore blue jeans, comfortable shoes with good socks, light weight long sleeve shirt, and a zip up sweater. Definitely layer to be adaptable to whatever conditions the test room may throw at you. I typically find that this time of year is particularly bad. It has started getting hot, and everyone gets carried away and way overcompensates with the AC making for frigid classrooms.
I am wearing long jeans, tshirt, hoodie (just in case, sometimes AC is cranked up way too high) and lucky socks (star wars) with tennis shoes. I'm worried about going in shorts, if there is a breeze of cold air on my legs I would be very distracted.
@asaunders2010 just remember no hats or hoods on your head during the test...
per lsac:
"hats/hoods (except religious apparel) may not be worn on the head"
Don't forget your lucky underwear.
Hahah!! You beat me to it! My thoughts exactly! Best of luck y'all!! Y'all will be in my thoughts:)!
Little white keds, ripped jeans and a shirt that says "white wine all the time" - representative of how I studied.
I'm not taking it on Monday, but, when I do, I plan on wearing all black because it's gonna be the LSATs funeral.
@Freddy_D hahahaha love it! The room I am writing in is freezing, so long pants, thick socks, a comfortable t-shirt and a zip up.
Birthday suit...... because I am not taking the June test.
I decided on the more bright/bold workout clothing I have. It worked well for the digital LSAT. It meets my requirements of being comfortable while still inspiring me to bring my A-game: Patterned pink and black leggings with a black/white/yellow lycra cotton blend Lemonade shirt that was a gift from a friend and says "Slay or you get e[picture of lemon]ated". Shoes: highlighter pink sneakers. I'll add a layer again with my sister's stole----borrowed hoodie. Hmm I didn't really consider before that my outfit choice is of sentimental value as well.
I won't be taking the LSAT, but like a boss, probably designer jeans and a $10 from H&M
@"Alex Divine" can we start a thread on the best designer jeans to wear while taking the lsat? i'm a fan of apc, rogue territory, and naked & famous...
suit and tie. cant go wrong
Haha! Well now I know what I'm going to wear when it's my turn!
Lucky socks, shoes I can easily slip on/off (I hate taking tests with shoes on. Whatever.) lucky necklace, workout top and zip-up sweater with no hood. I'm learning towards wearing leggings because of the comfort factor, but think maybe wearing Lucky Brand jeans just for the extra bit of luck
God damn. Quote of the year****