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When to start using Precious Prep Test

fisherpfisherp Member
in General 40 karma

I have been with 7sage for about 2 1/2 weeks now and am 34 hours through the curriculum. That being said, is there a good time to start applying the 7sage principles to prep tests? I don't want to take prep tests and waste them since I have not conquered all of the material, but at the same time, I want to be applying what I learn.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Thank you :)


  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Please please please don't take a full prep test this early, they are way too precious. The way that you can apply your learning is through drilling and fool proofing. You can do this by utilizing the problem sets at the end of lessons as well as by getting your hands on some old PTs and separating them out into sections.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Freddy_D said:
    Please please please don't take a full prep test this early, they are way too precious. The way that you can apply your learning is through drilling and fool proofing. You can do this by utilizing the problem sets at the end of lessons as well as by getting your hands on some old PTs and separating them out into sections.

    This. Save the PTs for drilling and full PTs when you aren't so much still in the learning phase. The problem sets might not seem like much, but they are teaching you the foundations. Don't hesitate to redo problem sets. Even if you remember the question, practice getting there in your mind. Look for more efficient ways. Deconstruct the arguments and get really good at finding the premise + conclusion and why it is not completely substantiated. Or if it is, why it is.

  • fisherpfisherp Member
    40 karma

    Thank you, @"Alex Divine" and @Freddy_D !! Good advice and I will definitely keep these comments in mind and thank you for the quick responses!!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @fisherp said:
    Thank you, @"Alex Divine" and @Freddy_D !! Good advice and I will definitely keep these comments in mind and thank you for the quick responses!!


    Yuppers! If you absolutely want to do sections / material, only use the first PTs. I truly think there's enough now that in a few weeks or depending on where you're at, you can start doing sections untimed. And in that case, I would be using PTs like 1-10 or something before 35 for sure. Save 36-80 for full tests.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @fisherp said:
    Thank you, @"Alex Divine" and @Freddy_D !! Good advice and I will definitely keep these comments in mind and thank you for the quick responses!!


    No problem. Good luck

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