Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). should I take a break? - 7Sage Forum

should I take a break?

theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
in General 1287 karma

So im definetly taking the December test even though i just took the june one, the goal is start off with prep tests 1 per week till around sept then 2 per week til nov and down to 1 till test day.. BRing during the week before the next week. should i take a two week break or just jump rightback on the settle ?


  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Really depends on your state of mind. If you have any tinge of burnout, I think it would be counterproductive to just jump right back in. But if you're excited and motivated, perhaps there's no need for such a large break.

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    I would definitely take an at least two week break. You've been prepping for June and you can't just roll into December. You'll burn out real fast. Take a break, celebrate, and get back at it in at least two weeks.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @JustDoIt said:
    I would definitely take an at least two week break. You've been prepping for June and you can't just roll into December. You'll burn out real fast. Take a break, celebrate, and get back at it in at least two weeks.

    I agree. I think at least a week of taking it easy might be the right call here. A lot of studies show we can be MORE productive and effective after a break.

    IF you absolutely feel like you're good to keep going I don't think you would even subconsciously be asking yourself this question. You know what I'm saying? At the very least celebrate like my man @JustDoIt said and take a long weekend.... :)

  • Daniel.SieradzkiDaniel.Sieradzki Member Sage
    edited June 2017 2301 karma

    @theLSATdreamer I agree with everyone here about taking a break. Even if it does not feel like it, taking the LSAT is mentally exhausting. I took a break after my first LSAT and came back much stronger for it, both mentally and in terms of score range. You are not going to forget how to do the LSAT in a couple weeks.

    Congrats on taking the test. Now, take a well-deserved rest. You earned it!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I'm chuckling 'cause you remind me of myself. From talking with you , you're definitely the type to go hard or go home and I love it lol! That being said, I'll tell you what I tell myself every day --- SELF CARE don't forget it. You can take a break, it's OK. The world will not end (I know it feels like it will) you will not suddenly forget everything you learned (I know it feels like you will) you will not end up a failure for mentally chillin for a moment (even though you think you will). Breaks are cool, burnouts are bad. Take it easy my friend.

  • LSAT Is ComingLSAT Is Coming Alum Member
    530 karma

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @tringo335 youre the best !! a break it is !! @LSATiscoming damn all im going to say damn, i listened to most of it lol

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