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152 timed score with a 176 BR score

navilsatnavilsat Alum Member
in General 96 karma

Hey everyone,

I have finished the CC and decided to do a PT from the 40s to see if I have made progress. I got one point above my diagnostic, a 152, and got 176 on BR.

During the timed portion I received -8 on LG, -13 on LR (-5/-8) and -13 on RC. I have foolproofed every game from 1-20, and have done every RC section from 1-20 as well.

Do you guys think there is still room for a significant improvement before September, considering my BR score? I just feel very upset and discouraged as I was confident going into and during the test.

Thank you in advance!


  • jack.igoejack.igoe Member
    544 karma

    @navilsat said:
    Hey everyone,

    I have finished the CC and decided to do a PT from the 40s to see if I have made progress. I got one point above my diagnostic, a 152, and got 176 on BR.

    During the timed portion I received -8 on LG, -13 on LR (-5/-8) and -13 on RC. I have foolproofed every game from 1-20, and have done every RC section from 1-20 as well.

    Do you guys think there is still room for a significant improvement before September, considering my BR score? I just feel very upset and discouraged as I was confident going into and during the test.

    Thank you in advance!

    Don't be discouraged! Your BR score is fantastic and indicates that you have a very high ceiling that you're capable of hitting. What I would recommend doing is fool proofing the rest of the games from PT 1-35.

    I would also recommend taking a look at the LSAT Trainer as it has a really effective method for RC in my opinion.

    The last thing that I would take a look at is the Post Core Curriculum Study Strategies webinar. It seems to apply to the spot that you are in progress wise as it stands currently. That webinar can discuss techniques regarding timing that can help you shore up your deficiencies in LR. Of course, it is essential that you are able to diagnose what types of LR questions you are getting wrong most frequently. I believe it also talks about that.

    As for the September test, I would repeat what I have heard from @"Alex Divine" and countless others. You should aim for a score, not a hard and fast test date. Keep on slugging away at getting to -0 on LG and shore up your RC and LR mistakes and you'll be on your way to achieving the end goal.

    Best of luck!

  • spitzy11spitzy11 Alum Member
    772 karma

    I'm in a VERY similar situation and, parallel to your post CC score and everything. Out of curiosity, what score are you aiming for? This could help others give more specific advice as well.
    Your BR score is definitely indicative of the potential you have to score as of this moment. I would suggest keep plugging away as if you're taking the September, but try not to psych yourself out of it. I have definitely struggled with this, but just remember it is only a TEST and you got this! Also, many experience the typical post CC drop in score, so don't beat up on yourself too much.
    If you get near September test and you're not PTing where you want to be, definitely postpone unless for a strong reason you believe otherwise (I know every person's situation is unique). Keep chugging at LG because those are easy points to make up. I'm in the same exact boat though so I feel ya :) Good luck!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @jackigoe said:

    Don't be discouraged! Your BR score is fantastic and indicates that you have a very high ceiling that you're capable of hitting. What I would recommend doing is fool proofing the rest of the games from PT 1-35.

    I would also recommend taking a look at the LSAT Trainer as it has a really effective method for RC in my opinion.

    The last thing that I would take a look at is the Post Core Curriculum Study Strategies webinar. It seems to apply to the spot that you are in progress wise as it stands currently. That webinar can discuss techniques regarding timing that can help you shore up your deficiencies in LR. Of course, it is essential that you are able to diagnose what types of LR questions you are getting wrong most frequently. I believe it also talks about that.

    As for the September test, I would repeat what I have heard from @"Alex Divine" and countless others. You should aim for a score, not a hard and fast test date. Keep on slugging away at getting to -0 on LG and shore up your RC and LR mistakes and you'll be on your way to achieving the end goal.

    Best of luck!

    All this advice is great. I just want to reiterate that with this test, like many other things in life, you can't just set a date and say I'll have mastered said objective by said date. Your BR score of a 176 is phenomenal and shows you have some of the necessary skills and fundamentals to do well on this test.

    The fact the your BR and and actual score are so far apart is because you need to work on skills like fool proofing games. When you're doing them untimed, you get them no problem so it seems. Add in the pressure of time and you're missing 33% of the questions. Same with LR.

    I would specifically focus on timed sections for now. Review CC lessons on what you need to (you'll know by where you're having trouble) and possible consult a tutor. Even a single session which could cost under $50 may give you the strategies to put you on the right path.

    A 152 means you have a lot of work to do in learning the fundamentals, timing, and just about everything else beyond the bare bone basics. Your 176 BR score indicates that you are quite smart and can figure things out analytically when timing is not an issue. However, this test is all about getting good at taking a timed test.

    Let me recommend something a bit unorthodox for you. Take an older test from before the 30s and do the entire thing untimed. Use a count up clock so you know how much time you spent, but don't stop when the time runs out.

    As mentioned above you'll probably want to repeat and practice doing LG using the fool proof method. This method is so highly regarded that it's basically been adopted by ever reputable PT company out there. Take all the LG from PTs 1-35 or 1-40 and do them timed, watch Jy's explanations, memorize the inferences, and re do them until you can do them perfectly with time to spare. The thing is so many games are carbon copies of each other, i.e., 6 clowns in a car one person has to drive vs. 8 window washers in a van and one person has to wash to windows that day. It's all the same. Most games anyway. So repeat the expose yourself to as many logic games as possible. Be cognizant of how neat you write and how you attack the questions. Repetition and exposure are key. I bet you can get that -8 down to a -1 or -0 by your test date.

    I will say, it can be tedious, and take a lot of work. Even so, it is well worth that work.

    good luck!

  • navilsatnavilsat Alum Member
    96 karma

    @jackigoe I didn't even know there was a webinar for post-cc! That sounds very neat and I will certainly watch it. Thank you for your advice!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @navilsat said:
    @jackigoe I didn't even know there was a webinar for post-cc! That sounds very neat and I will certainly watch it. Thank you for your advice!

    Definitely a much watch. @"Cant Get Right"'s philosophy for how to deal with the different stages of prep is helpful. Before this webinar, there was really no good advice out there except take PTs, BR, repeat. Now that there's an actual plan to follow and it makes sense because it uses logic, muck like the LSAT, to determine what makes sense!

  • navilsatnavilsat Alum Member
    96 karma

    @spitzy11 I am aiming for anything above 160! A 162 and my GPA would likely get me into one of the best law schools in Canada. Hopefully I reach that goal in a month or so. But, its comforting knowing that I am not the only one in the same boat. Thank you so much.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    If your diagnostic was a 152 and you can BR a 176, I'd bet money you can hit the 162 mark in two months. Focus on LG and LR. Fool proof, go through the CC, and drill and do tons of timed sections. Don't worry about trying to fit in a ton of full timed PTs.

  • navilsatnavilsat Alum Member
    96 karma

    @"Alex Divine" thank you so much Alex! I always look forward to hearing your advice. I think over-confidence with RC really hit me hard, and I kinda let go of the fundamentals during logic games for two whole games. I will continue fool proofing and will continue learning strategies for RC. I do plan on doing some earlier PTs to see where my weaknesses truly are (1 post pt may not be truly representative). Also, time isn't a big deal, I am planning on writing the LSAT in September 100% due to the fact that my dream school considers your highest score only (I have talked to the advisors carefully about this and they have ensured me that two distinct LSAT scores will not hurt my app in anyway). I am, however, open to writing the December test as well, yet for personal reasons I do have to write it before December. Hopefully, I get 160 or above before then.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @navilsat said:
    @"Alex Divine" thank you so much Alex! I always look forward to hearing your advice. I think over-confidence with RC really hit me hard, and I kinda let go of the fundamentals during logic games for two whole games. I will continue fool proofing and will continue learning strategies for RC. I do plan on doing some earlier PTs to see where my weaknesses truly are (1 post pt may not be truly representative). Also, time isn't a big deal, I am planning on writing the LSAT in September 100% due to the fact that my dream school considers your highest score only (I have talked to the advisors carefully about this and they have ensured me that two distinct LSAT scores will not hurt my app in anyway). I am, however, open to writing the December test as well, yet for personal reasons I do have to write it before December. Hopefully, I get 160 or above before then.

    Well, if that's the case, then good luck! I'll be here with the rest of the community rooting you on!

    A 160 is totally possible in your case. First, you are BR'ing way above a 160. Second, you are missing tons of points on games. Master those via fool proofing while drilling timed sections, and I bet you could have your 160 right there. I like to think about a 160 as getting about an 80 on a test, or a B. You can miss 1/5 questions or 6-7 per section. Right now think of getting there just as your first benchmark.

    And definitely fool proof those games, over and over. I like the @Pacifico method whereby you do 4 copies. The first one, one right after watching the explanation, and then a week later. So far, it's worked great for me. And actually, looking back at some old forum posts and books, it seems like MLSAT adopted this type of strategy long ago. Though I think JY invented this whole idea of fool proofing by re-doing games.

    I believe in you!!!

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