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What to ask for when requesting LOR

What should i ask my proffesors to include in a letter of recommendation? Neither of them are from the US and i know that when i ask them for a LOR they arent going to know what the norm recomendation includes


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz said:
    What should i ask my proffesors to include in a letter of recommendation? Neither of them are from the US and i know that when i ask them for a LOR they arent going to know what the norm recomendation includes

    When you email your professors for LORs, keep it pretty concise, but cover the following 3 things:

    1) A refresher on who you are/the classes you took with them

    2) Overview of what you've been doing since you graduated

    3) Use point 2 to segue to your plans, i.e., law school with a brief summary as to why you're applying/what your career goals are.

    Importantly (so, I guess 4 things to cover!), when you make the ask for the LOR, note that you've attached your current resume for their reference and ask if there is any other information you can provide that would be helpful to them. (You want to make it as easy as possible for them to say yes.)

    Good luck!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Oh I misread, you need to tell them what to include in the letter.

    Check out this random article I found on google. I think it does a good job at explaining what a good LOR is going to look like. You could also include sample LORS if need be.

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