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Thrilled and Frustrated Simultaneously

tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
in General 1465 karma

So I just took PT 64 under timed conditions, with a experimental section and everything, and I scored a 176!!!!!
Which is should be, and was, extremely satisfying and encouraging with D day less than 2 weeks out.

However, I missed 4 questions on the same logic game, which is all that separated me from the holy grail, a 180. I haven't yet looked back at the game to find out where it fell apart, but obviously that's priority numero uno. I'm guessing that I'm misread a rule, or diagrammed something incorrectly, because surely I couldn't have made such gratuitous errors in the midst of such a smashing performance. Right?

Anyway, just humble-bragging for a second, but also I shall update once I've identified my betrayer and can make an informed plea for assistance in avoiding such traps in the future.

Eat, Drink and be Merry, Happy Labor day Americans!


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