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few days before the test...

S.Mala32S.Mala32 Alum Member
in General 7 karma

Hi all! I've been reading some mixed reviews as to what I should be doing the week before and the day before the test. Most people/websites are saying take it not do a practice test! Where as others are saying take one last practice test or do certain sections. I was wondering if anyone has some advice on what worked for them during the week and the day before the test!



  • Andrea28Andrea28 Free Trial Member
    20 karma

    Week leading up to it: I took 1 PT at the beginning of the week and another one towards the end of it and did a few sections the other days. Just to keep momentum going (Personally, if I don't touch LSAT material for a week, I know I'm going to forget some stuff). I know that a lot of websites only suggest doing one PT the week leading up to the LSAT but I followed the study plan I had and it worked for me. I didn't try any new techniques though, I just stuck to what I knew and I did mostly "confidence boosting" sections. (LG is my strongest section so getting a few games in makes me feel more confident).

    Day before: I didn't do anything LSAT related (besides making sure I had my plastic bag and my lsat ticket ready). Just took it easy, relaxed, went shopping and went to bed at a reasonable time. Definitely don't take a PT the day before and if I were you, I wouldn't even do any individual sections. If things go poorly, you're likely to lose some confidence and it could affect you going into the actual thing.

    Day of: I didn't do any warm-up questions. There was probably about an hour between the time when we were allowed to go into the room and when we actually started the first section so I probably wouldn't have been "warm" anymore by the time we started but that's just me.

    Good luck!

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