Ay Yi Yi - I will forever hate the word grey. If today is the day it most likely won't happen until around 4:30pm EST. I suggest keeping yourself busy, you will know when it happens. There is also a chance still that today isn't grey day and that they release the scores tomorrow. Try and keep yourself distracted!
@StellaBlue said:
I have been cool and collected for the past month until about half an hour ago and now I can't think about anything else. Good luck friends!
I'm so happy i'm at my internship today! I work for a Senator who has six month old twins that are like the worlds happiest babies. So instead of constantly refreshing, I'm playing in a ball pit with tiny babies. Seriously, these babies don't even cry.
Someone please correct me, but I always assumed that we would turn grey earlier in the day when the day comes because it takes them the day to distribute scores to everyone. Isn't that what happened in June? Or am I literally just making things up?
@Victoria14 said:
I'm so happy i'm at my internship today! I work for a Senator who has six month old twins that are like the worlds happiest babies. So instead of constantly refreshing, I'm playing in a ball pit with tiny babies. Seriously, these babies don't even cry.
@Victoria14 said:
I'm so happy i'm at my internship today! I work for a Senator who has six month old twins that are like the worlds happiest babies. So instead of constantly refreshing, I'm playing in a ball pit with tiny babies. Seriously, these babies don't even cry.
That job sounds awesome!
I normally am running around like a chicken, particularly because we are in committee meetings at the moment but they figured out I keep the babies happy. So my job has been reduced down to baby management and handling the influx of lobbyists. It's fun, I love it.
@Sarah889 The icons have turned grey at about 4:30 eastern every time for the last ~10 releases. Occasionally, it's a bit later than that. Basically, 4 to 6:30 is the sweet spot for grey.
@Sarah889 said:
Someone please correct me, but I always assumed that we would turn grey earlier in the day when the day comes because it takes them the day to distribute scores to everyone. Isn't that what happened in June? Or am I literally just making things up?
In June grey hit around 4:45 pm if I remember right. Definitely no earlier than 3pm. It's usually late afternoon
@AllezAllez21@tylerdschreur10 Oh man...thanks for clearing that up. I definitely had no idea. And we will receive an email when we turn grey or do we have to find out via logging into LSAC? Basically what I want to know is should I be refreshing my email or my LSAC account? Haha...
@Sarah889 said: @AllezAllez21@tylerdschreur10 Oh man...thanks for clearing that up. I definitely had no idea. And we will receive an email when we turn grey or do we have to find out via logging into LSAC? Basically what I want to know is should I be refreshing my email or my LSAC account? Haha...
It's my first time too but I think we will receive an email with our score automatically. It will turn grey on LSAC account but I just don't want to find that out by refreshing constantly. I already feel horrible and I don't want to exacberate this by constantly refreshing a page.
@Sami@Sarah889 Once the icons go grey on the LSAC website that is an indication that the scores will be sent out. Your score can come right away or HOURS later...the grey is only there to tell you they are on the way. The E-mail is the real stomach turner...
@Sarah889 said: @AllezAllez21@tylerdschreur10 Oh man...thanks for clearing that up. I definitely had no idea. And we will receive an email when we turn grey or do we have to find out via logging into LSAC? Basically what I want to know is should I be refreshing my email or my LSAC account? Haha...
It's my first time too but I think we will receive an email with our score automatically. It will turn grey on LSAC account but I just don't want to find that out by refreshing constantly. I already feel horrible and I don't want to exacberate this by constantly refreshing a page.
when you get your score by email depends. it can come seconds after you see it on LSAC or some time way after. the 2 times I have taken I got the email immediately and then the other time I got it maybe 5 mins later. I remember there being someone who waited half an hour for the email after getting their score though
@Sarah889 said: @Sami Same...this one conversation has done enough to elevate my stress level 50x. Ignorance was so much better
I agree with you. I have barely been able to get anything done all day. If I start refreshing the page, I think I would make this worse.
@LSATcantwin said: @Sami@Sarah889 Once the icons go grey on the LSAC website that is an indication that the scores will be sent out. Your score can come right away or HOURS later...the grey is only there to tell you they are on the way. The E-mail is the real stomach turner...
I have heard there is no grace period with the email. Your score is right there as soon as you open the email. No easing into it. lol I guess LSAT isn't for the faint heart.
@Sarah889 said: @AllezAllez21@tylerdschreur10 Oh man...thanks for clearing that up. I definitely had no idea. And we will receive an email when we turn grey or do we have to find out via logging into LSAC? Basically what I want to know is should I be refreshing my email or my LSAC account? Haha...
It's my first time too but I think we will receive an email with our score automatically. It will turn grey on LSAC account but I just don't want to find that out by refreshing constantly. I already feel horrible and I don't want to exacberate this by constantly refreshing a page.
when you get your score by email depends. it can come seconds after you see it on LSAC or some time way after. the 2 times I have taken I got the email immediately and then the other time I got it maybe 5 mins later. I remember there being someone who waited half an hour for the email after getting their score though
I have heard it can take a couple of hours as well
I guess half an hour more before we find out if its grey day today
I guess half an hour more before we find out if its grey day today
well once it's like 7pm ET I think we can give up for the day haha
I have a really good feeling it's today though!
I just have a bad feeling overall. lol
haha true. I think I completely bombed RC but did decent on the other sections... and there has been 1 LR question that has bugged me this whole time and will be the first thing I check after seeing my score lol
I guess half an hour more before we find out if its grey day today
well once it's like 7pm ET I think we can give up for the day haha
I have a really good feeling it's today though!
I just have a bad feeling overall. lol
haha true. I think I completely bombed RC but did decent on the other sections... and there has been 1 LR question that has bugged me this whole time and will be the first thing I check after seeing my score lol
I think what I am going to do is go and have a drink after I get my score. lol
everyone will go gray at the same time, but no it isn't gray day as of right now
it's pretty gray and ugly out in NYC today though, so maybe that's a sign
Ay Yi Yi - I will forever hate the word grey. If today is the day it most likely won't happen until around 4:30pm EST. I suggest keeping yourself busy, you will know when it happens. There is also a chance still that today isn't grey day and that they release the scores tomorrow. Try and keep yourself distracted!
Lol! Same Here!!
so it's settled, today has to be the day, right?!?!?
I have been cool and collected for the past month until about half an hour ago and now I can't think about anything else. Good luck friends!
I'm so happy i'm at my internship today! I work for a Senator who has six month old twins that are like the worlds happiest babies. So instead of constantly refreshing, I'm playing in a ball pit with tiny babies. Seriously, these babies don't even cry.
Someone please correct me, but I always assumed that we would turn grey earlier in the day when the day comes because it takes them the day to distribute scores to everyone. Isn't that what happened in June? Or am I literally just making things up?
That job sounds awesome!
I normally am running around like a chicken, particularly because we are in committee meetings at the moment but they figured out I keep the babies happy. So my job has been reduced down to baby management and handling the influx of lobbyists. It's fun, I love it.
@Sarah889 The icons have turned grey at about 4:30 eastern every time for the last ~10 releases. Occasionally, it's a bit later than that. Basically, 4 to 6:30 is the sweet spot for grey.
In June grey hit around 4:45 pm if I remember right. Definitely no earlier than 3pm. It's usually late afternoon
@AllezAllez21 @tylerdschreur10 Oh man...thanks for clearing that up. I definitely had no idea. And we will receive an email when we turn grey or do we have to find out via logging into LSAC? Basically what I want to know is should I be refreshing my email or my LSAC account? Haha...
It's my first time too but I think we will receive an email with our score automatically. It will turn grey on LSAC account but I just don't want to find that out by refreshing constantly. I already feel horrible and I don't want to exacberate this by constantly refreshing a page.
@Sami Same...this one conversation has done enough to elevate my stress level 50x. Ignorance was so much better
@Sami @Sarah889 Once the icons go grey on the LSAC website that is an indication that the scores will be sent out. Your score can come right away or HOURS later...the grey is only there to tell you they are on the way. The E-mail is the real stomach turner...
when you get your score by email depends. it can come seconds after you see it on LSAC or some time way after. the 2 times I have taken I got the email immediately and then the other time I got it maybe 5 mins later. I remember there being someone who waited half an hour for the email after getting their score though
I agree with you. I have barely been able to get anything done all day. If I start refreshing the page, I think I would make this worse.
I have heard there is no grace period with the email. Your score is right there as soon as you open the email. No easing into it. lol I guess LSAT isn't for the faint heart.
I have heard it can take a couple of hours as well
I guess half an hour more before we find out if its grey day today
well once it's like 7pm ET I think we can give up for the day haha
I have a really good feeling it's today though!
I just have a bad feeling overall. lol
haha true. I think I completely bombed RC but did decent on the other sections... and there has been 1 LR question that has bugged me this whole time and will be the first thing I check after seeing my score lol
Saaaame. I want to just get this over with
I feel panic in my soul, this is my second time doing this and i'm genuinely panicking
@Victoria14 @"Maddie Distasio" @TheMikey @Sami hey but I couldn't ask to be suffering with a better group of people though!! 7Sager's rock!
I feel the same panic
. Hang in there
I rather just not even have to deal with this till after I take December test
I think what I am going to do is go and have a drink after I get my score. lol
Haha same
. Besides what can we possibly have to worry about when we have Darth Vader on our side? ; )
I think we just became best friends
Anyone know if lsac releases scores after they close for the day??
they usually release them between a little after 4pm and a bit before 7pm ET
I think they close like what, 5pm? so yeah
I checked and they close at 445 on weekdays
Awww, we all bond in our suffering. If I'm not retaking, then I'm going to miss you guys!
They have before!
Same here! LBR I'll probably still lurk even if I don't retake

Yeah I definitely started freaking out today too. Was fine up till now. Now I just want to get it over with
they're open until 8pm EST thru the fall/winter months
I'm more nervous now than I was the morning of the test lolol
Silly question but on my LSAC it says we should be expecting the score tomorrow. Does LSAT typically release the day before?
Yes, it's almost always early. It seems the "in crowd" (powerscore) thinks it will be on the 12th because of the hurricanes though
mehhh. I don't know how I'm going to do tomorrow if we don't get this in today. I'm so nervous and I hate waiting.
It's grey!
Oh god oh god. Still at work and not checking till I'm home. WTF WTFFFF
my heart is racing I can't do this OMG
WAIT- how do you tell if it's grey? The only thing that changed was the little icons in the boxes. Is that "grey"?
It's literally 30 min till I get out of the office and then a floppin hour till home
I wish you all the best!!!
mine is not grey yet