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I took the September 2017 LSAT and unfortunately didn't perform up to my potential. For various reasons, my undergraduate career thus far has been hectic and extremely time consuming. To be on the path of graduating in the normal time-slot of four years, I took five classes in a seven week summer semester and tried studying for the LSAT at the same time. Realizing my enormous mistake, I decided not to take the June LSAT, took the September LSAT, and didn't do as well as I should have. Given my extenuating circumstances and how I want to graduate undergrad this April, I am in a full course load right now and will be in the winter as well. My desire to go to a top law school is strong and I will study as efficiently as possible for an exemplary test score. That being said, I would love some feedback on how efficient the LSAT premium 7sage course is and if it will more than likely help me in achieving a higher score. A 20 point increase on the February 2017 LSAT would be great in my case, as I plan to be in an entering law school class of 2018. Any thoughts, experiences, and opinions would be awesome.
A 7Sage premium package will give you all you need to achieve whatever score you work for. You may want to consider purchasing the Ultimate + just so you have access to the newer tests and the LR/LG bundles.
A 20 point increase by February, or at all, is a gargantuan feat and will require lots of time dedicated to studying.
My advice would be if you want to gain admissions to a top law school, set your sights on a perfect score (180), and don't look back. Whatever it takes needs to be your mindset from here on out.
I had the starter and then premium for a bit before I upgraded to Ult + It includes the same lessons and helped me immensely with every section. The only thing it didn't have that I needed were the newer exams, question bank, and logic games bundles, and test explanations (my fav feature) It was also very helpful having the harder problem sets once I broke into the 160s.
What is your goal score?
It sounds like your course load would have you studying part time .. and studying only part time until February to complete the Premium for a 170+ may not be doable.
I work full time and am on the Premium package. I am only able to study a certain amount during the week so plan on writing in June. And with Fool Proofing LG (a 7Sage specific method of learning LG) taking so long I'm even a little nervous that June may not happen. But I do encourage you to sign up and maybe instead of Feb you go for June? 7Sage really is a great resource.
Just to clarify, you are saying you want to start law school next fall? Generally, the February LSAT may be ok for some schools but it will be too late for many, especially if you need scholarship money. As a rule of thumb, December is the last test you should take for entering the next year. If you need a 20 point increase, it's possible. But on top of a very full school schedule, achieving that by February is a really, really tough timeline. And ideally, if you want to enter law school next fall you should be planning on the December test. It sounds like you're really trying to tackle just a lot of things in a very short time frame. You might want to consider delaying for a year to give you more time to study and generally prepare for law school.
The reason why I plan on taking the February LSAT is because I lack in one area that prevents me from getting a good score and that's: Logic Games. I can pretty much tell you that I bombed the entire section and with the score that I received, I know that I did pretty well on the other sections. I should have delayed taking the test but I had a lot of outside pressure on me to go for it in September at that time unfortunately. That's why I believe with some guidance and structure from this 7sage course, I can do what seems like the unimaginable, which in my case, is a 20 point increase. My aspirations when it comes down to it is to not pay for at least a two-tier law school JD program. What are the odds that I can perfect the Logic Games section by February?
Also, thank you all for your detailed comments back; it's really appreciated!
I had the premium course, and extended it by purchasing the explanations for most of the newer PTs, 70 - 81 (there is usually a sale for the newest PT when 7Sage releases their explanations). I was able to improve on LG by fool proofing and going through most of the games 1 - 35.
Also - I had a 20 point increase from my diagnostic, but I studied for roughly a year (took a couple months off after breaking my elbow)