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Thank you to everyone who was kind to me today and showed me a lot of support. I noticed that for those of us who underperformed on September we have a lot of questions about what to do from here.
To help with that I have invited @"Cant Get Right" to answer any and all questions this Friday 7 pm EST. I honestly can't think of a better person to help answer these questions. He is someone who has scored in low160's twice, almost gave up on LSAT, but then decided to not let LSAT beat him. He worked hard and scored a 170 and eventually a 176. I think it would be tremendously helpful to be able to ask one on one questions directly to someone who has been there.
So this Friday evening, lets drop everything and figure out our problems .
I hope this is something that will be helpful to a lot of you.
To attend the call, please click below the link at the scheduled time and we will see you there.
September LSAT Support Group
Fri, Oct 13, 2017 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 892-650-637
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First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
@thisissparta @LSATcantwin @LCMama2017 @"Lucas Carter" @sillllyxo @goldmist @akistotle @elisajelley @TheMikey @"Testing..." @tcookPHL @deansr @"Arthur K." @mcglz_64 @BumbleJD1624
..and everyone else who I forgot to tag but would like to join -You are all welcome to come.
I won't be taking the test until the next cycle, but I'd like to hear everyone's analysis on what they think went wrong so that as a future test taker I can incorporate some of the suggestions that come out of the discussion early on in my prep. Would it be okay if I joined the call? Besides, it's always nice to hear any wisdom @"Cant Get Right" has to impart.
Of course its okay
. I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.
I'll be joining for the same reason as @thisissparta ----especially since I felt so discouraged after I took the June exam. As I have a history of burnout, it's always good to get a refresher on how to have a positive mindset.
This is such a great idea btw. I'm always pleasantly surprised at the supportive atmosphere at 7sage.
bumping this up for anyone who would like to join tonight. : )
This looks awesome! Looking forward to it.
How did you know I wished for this to happen!?!?!? Thank you so much
Curse you East Coast people! I feel left out
haha still will be at work for this call. Might try and sneak in on mute to listen maybe...hmm
@Sami I will be there too! After I felt crushed by my last LSAT performance, you were the one who lifted me up. You are the reason I came back to 7Sage!
You are an incredible individual. I will try to repay your kindness by helping you crush this exam!
Okay, I almost cried reading this. I was very persistent
. Also, I was going to ask you to lead the next event to talk about how to deal with test anxiety. But if you are going to be there tonight would love it if you could talk to us about that. 
Bummer, I can’t make it
Will there be a recording??? I totally need this!. Scored in the low 160s as well; would like to do better!
Having our first date night tonight in over six months so
I can't make it but if it
Can be recorded that would be awesome. Have a good night guys!!
+3 to the recording thing. I can't make it but would love to hear it if recorded!!
That's up to Cant Get Right but I'll ask him
I am planning to take the test in December and would've loved to Join this call. Unfortunately I'm in India right now and could not make it. I would love to hear it if recorded

@Sami This is such a great idea, you guys are awesome