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Discussing PT 82

zaroberts1991zaroberts1991 Member
in General 101 karma

Hey I was a really high scorer headed into Sept averaging 175, but was really disappointed when I received my 167. I worked all summer on LR after going -9 in June, and was shocked to see -9 once again in Sept. For reference over 20 PT's in the summer I never did worse than -6 on LR combined and my range was -0 to -4 combined. I got the test back and could see that lack of sleep and nerves got to me as I missed my first ever MC question in any test ever and a few others that were insanely easy, but I can't lie there are a couple that have me completely stumped which is really rare for me.

Also holy hell, some of those RC questions were ridiculous. Anyone able to figure out why #7 and #18 were right in those sections? I wanted to see if we could discuss some of the questions on this test because it's killing me lol.


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Can't discuss PT82 in detail until it's released to the general public, sorry.

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