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Looking for a bit more advice

LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
in General 13286 karma

I took a lot of the advice I got on strategies to shake nerves and to get my timing down. I am slowly working on getting these into my training for the December test and I feel like this is going to help me a lot.

There is something else I'd like help to identify though. That is weaknesses.

Coming into the September test I thought Flaw questions were my biggest weakness. I missed at least 1 flaw question per PT and the 7Sage analytics has the flaw bubble as this massive glaring hole in my life. It's seriously huge! Takes up like...the entire screen!
Okay enough with hyperbole my point stands. So I figured flaw questions and me would never get along.

On the September exam I didn't miss a single flaw question of course! ya know, leave it to the real deal to break all trends you think you have noticed. I also didn't miss a single type of the same question! I missed everything from MSS to Disagree to Weaken to MBT!

So it's obvious to me that the September test really was shaken nerves, but that I still have some weaknesses that I'm not identifying correctly. What can I do to help spot these weaknesses? I'm under the impression that confidence drills will help to weed out some problem areas so I will continue with those, but is there any other way I can figure out where the weak spots are?


  • BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
    553 karma

    The September test LR was unusual to me and didn't follow many trends. But, flaw wAs in general my biggest weakness while PTing. So I drilled flaws and now I'm better at them. Then I went down the list.

    So use the analytics, and go down the list. If you're trying to score in the higher range, there shouldn't be a question type where you say "damn I hope it's not on the test". Split up your studying into question types.

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