During a PT, does anyone skim the RC passages before you start? If so, do you find it helpful as far finding a pacing strategy through the RC section.
I noticed when I skimmed the upcoming passage 4 - to confirm the number of Qs, I was more confident about spending time on the hard passage 3 that I was working on.
I don't do that any more, though. You should just practice RC and try to get more efficient at it. Tricks like this might help in the short term to minimize the damage done by, say, not getting to a passage at all. but if you have, for example, 15-16 minutes left at the end of the 2nd passage, and the third passage is just 5 questions, you really should just do them in order. If you do the 8 question 4th passage first, you risk not finishing the reading of the 3rd passage to answer any questions, whereas if you finish the third and then get to the fourth, you'd have just run out of time on perhaps a couple questions at most. So, unless you are barely finishing three passages and have no hope of changing that, you should just focus on the passages as they are.
I will try to get more efficient. Thank you for the push!