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Unsolicited Application Fee Waivers

mmowrermmowrer Free Trial Member

Hey everyone,

So I have a pretty simple question and I have a feeling there's an obvious answer, but I'm stumped so I figured I'd ask the experts. As schools are emailing/mailing us literature and information about their respective law schools, some are also including unsolicited application fee waivers as well. Some are codes we have to enter on websites (i.e. Temple), but most are through LSAC when we actually apply.

Is there a page on our LSAC accounts where we can go to see all the schools that have sent us fee waivers or do we have to sort through our emails/letters or check and see each one individually during "checkout" of applications?



  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I was wondering this too!

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    edited October 2017 756 karma

    I don't think so, but as a friend of mine said, you shouldn't worry too much about them. Just apply to the schools you were going to apply to and have it be a nice surprise if you get waiver. Don't let the waiver persuade you. It's still not free because you have to pay lsac anyway.

    If you see you don't have a waiver to a school to which you want to apply, ask them before submitting.

  • mmowrermmowrer Free Trial Member
    25 karma

    Thanks! I forgot to factor in the LSAC fee as well.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yeah, I don't think there's a way to see it except for at check out. I believe you can sort of "fake" check out to see if the fee has been applied. Basically act as if you are submitting the application, and then cancel just before you would submit and I think it shows. I've just been looking at the fees for the schools that I'm interested in and have been asking for waivers for the ones that aren't already free. So far I've received 3 or 4 additional waivers after asking.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited October 2017 4196 karma

    To see if a school gave you a fee waiver, you go on your app for that school and it should show:
    Pay fees and submit:

    Application Waived

    If a school has not explicitly told you they gave you a fee waiver and it doesn't show up on that page (the one where you see the above), you MAY have a hidden waiver. You can see hidden waivers at the end of your app once you are about to pay and if it says your app fee was waived then you have one but if it tells you the price then you don't.

    edit: also, I agree with Mitchell. Don't apply to a school until you at least try to get a fee waiver, so maybe try soliciting one from a school and hope they give you one because app fees can really add up.. If you don't get one though, then yeah apply to a school you were going to apply to anyways, but at least try to solicit one if they haven't given you one already!

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    I think you can see them on every app when you go to submit, but I've also employed a strategy of flagging every email green for fee waivers and yellow for scholarship offers.

    Also, i've discovered and interesting trend. Whenever I look at a school through LSAC, I get an email within 48 hours either with info on the school and or a fee waiver. Interesting stuff kids!

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