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Question on Fool proofing LG

mzoodlemzoodle Member
in Logic Games 226 karma

I am starting to Fool proof LG. However, sometimes I remember the answer choice from watching the video, so I choose it automatically. Anyone have similar experiences, and any way to solve this?


  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    There are some questions where you can't help but remember the answer. I stayed away from doing a game several times in a day unless it was a game that REALLY threw me off, that minimized those questions I think. But my overall process that seemed to help with this is to focus less on circling the correct answer choice, and more on the process. On those questions that I remember I make myself think through the entire string of inferences and write out the work if that's what I'd do if it were fresh game before I select an answer. If it's a question where a key inference solves it right away, I might even make myself solve it by brute forcing as a way to practice getting unstuck. On some repeats of a game definitely try to go through the game with flawless strategy, but sometimes going an alternate route is super helpful.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited October 2017 23929 karma

    Focus on the process: diagramming, making inferences, and figuring out how to prove the answer.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    edited October 2017 3279 karma

    Are you giving yourself enough time to forget the material? How much spacing between repeating games?

    When I remember an AC, I don't allow myself to circle it straight away.
    I either:
    A. I treat it as if I'm starting at AC A and moving down to AC E.
    B. Provide myself with a reason I would be scanning for a particular element in the ACs. Then I go through all the ACs for that element.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Focus on the process: diagramming, making inferences, and figuring out how to prove the answer. Even if you remember the answers, there are still a ton of value in redoing games.

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