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conditional statement in LR

Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
in General 150 karma

i am in the middle of my CC about the different indicators that are broken down into groups 1-4, however this is my first time studying for the LSAT and i am not sure when i should look for these indicators in the LR. so how do i know when i need to look for these indicator? what would the question look like so i know when to apply the methods i have been learning......

for example: i know that i need to rephrase the conclusion when i am answering a question that is asking for the main conclusion.

so what key words should i look for in the question to know that i need to apply my methods from group 1-4 ( i know the groups are just indicator words)


  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    Hi there! I started my study with the PowerScore Bibles, and was absolutely lost on this question. I understood conditionality okay, but had no idea how to apply the lessons to actual questions. For me it started to click during the 7Sage CC in the sections on Sufficient Assumption and Necessary Assumption. If you haven't gotten to those yet, I wouldn't worry too much about fully grasping it yet. Definitely grind away on the lessons and drills on conditionality, but it is those formulaic question types will probably make it all start to seem more applicable.

    As you go over CC questions involving conditionality, make sure to "Star" the ones that tripped you up or helped you have any sort of breakthrough. Go back to them a few times and diagram on paper all the conditional statements - even for the wrong answers when applicable. If you still feel like you're missing conditionality when it pops up in questions after you finish the curriculum don't worry to much either. For me the next step was some untimed LR sections from earlier PT's and that really made it stick. I had a list of things I checked for in every question (most importantly conditionality and causality). After 3 or 4 untimed sections (and lots of regularly reviewing questions that I couldn't wrap my head around yet), finding conditionality started to be much more instantaneous. Hope that helps!

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