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LG Timing

alyssamcc0593alyssamcc0593 Alum Member
in Logic Games 290 karma

How did y'all get better with timing with LG? I usually get a perfect score when I do games untimed, but I crack under pressure and miss a few just because I don't have enough time to get to them.

I am currently fullproofing games to help with this, but I was wondering if any of you had any strategies or tips to get better at timing.

I am taking the December test.


  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    I think PFing just helped. Make sure you also do timed sections, not just timed games. This allows you to get used to working with 35 minutes, not just 5-8 minute predetermined time constraints

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    Biggest thing for timing is recognizing inferences upfront and being able to immediately recognize the game type and set it up quickly. This comes from practice. You really can't spend too much time drilling games. Every repetition makes you a little quicker, a little more confident, and a little more prepared!

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited November 2017 3072 karma

    Do timed sections exactly as you plan to approach the timed sections on your official exam, and lots of them. It really is that simple if your fundamentals are sound.

    You want to beat the process into your brain so that when you walk into the test room you know you aren't going to panic. This test is hugely focused on the confidence of the test taker.

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