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Need realistic expectations for dec lsat

MSURUN96MSURUN96 Alum Member

I currrently average -7.4 over 5 pts in logic games, my best was -4 and my worst was in my september lsat (lol). Anyway, im looking to compensate and better this section and ordered the logic games powerbible to supplement the core curriculum. What kind of improvement is realistic from here till december lsat?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    By “powerbible,” do you mean PowerScore Logic Games Bible? If so, I’m sorry to say this when you already bought it, but I think it’s not going to help you. It’s different from what 7Sage teaches and I think it will only confuse you. You should focus on foolproofing instead.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28061 karma

    You'll probably only regress by switching methodologies at this point. Powerscore uses a really different system, and you really don't want to be overhauling your entire strategy at this point in the game.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    I'll second was @akistotle said. There is still enough time to make strides with foolproofing.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    @akistotle and @"Cant Get Right" are exactly right.

    I used the Powerscore Bible and prep tests to study for logic games on my first take and the 7Sage curriculum and foolproofing logic games to study for my second.

    They are different, but the core curriculum is approximately anslagous to the bible. The core curriculum is more detailed, but both show you a systematic way to answer every type of games question.

    Familiarizing yourself with one of these methods is vital to getting a good logic games score. However, it is not enough. You need to go through games over and over again getting better at first recognizing the game type, then diagramming it correctly, and finally making the necessary inferences to solve the questions on that game. You need to go over that over and over so it becomes second nature.

    The best way to do this is foolproofing. Foolproofing means you take a bunch of logic games sections (usually PT's 1-35 so you can PT with the newer tests) and you go through the games one by one, making sure you can do them perfectly in the recommended time. Usually, you can't at first. So you do a game however long it takes (but time it anyway). Then you watch the explanation video. Then you redo the game attempting to reproduce all the inferences. If that is in time and perfect then you are done with that game for the day. If not, rewatch the video and repeat. Do this until you get all the inferences in time and right. After that do the game again the next day the same way. If you still remember all the inferences that's great and you are done with it for the day. If not, redo it after watching the explanation video. Do the same thing after about a week.

    I was scoring about where you were on games -3 to about -7 and did this with about 45 game sections (one new section of 4 games a day) and PTd for about 3 months in the summer. I missed one on the September test. It works. Your score should start to show improvements if you do it until the December test, but it took me longer to consistently get -1 to -0.

    The reason 7sage is so much better than Power Score is not becsuse the Power Score methods don't work or are less efficient, but because with the Power Score bible you wouldn't have the explanations using their methods during this process of studying.

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