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Essay prep information?

edited September 2014 in General 11 karma
Hey J.Y.
Is there any prep information regarding the essay portion of the exam?


  • adrian.mikoadrian.miko Alum Member
    191 karma
    Not much, I definitely would worry about it anyway.
    But there are a few minutes if you follow below.

    Under syllabus;
    Resources for Taking Simulated LSATs
    ---> So, about that Writing Sample
    edited September 2014 11 karma
    Thanks, it doesn't seem like it is too important since nobody ever talks about it. I wonder if law schools even read them?
  • kraft.phillipkraft.phillip Free Trial Member Inactive Sage
    444 karma
    when I got my score report back, the writing sample was barely legible. This was because the scan of it pixelated everything and seemed to widen the lines themselves. It would be a painful exercise to read anything in that format. I wouldn't worry about it.
    11 karma
    Thanks, that makes me feel better. I haven't practiced the written at all, and I take it Saturday. So I was trying to get some last min help.
  • joegotbored-1joegotbored-1 Alum Member
    802 karma

    Read the one for @crackberry. According to Yale, the essays are used as part of their process. Don't puff the essay. Make sure you use words you can spell correctly and make sure your argument is well supported. Pick any side, it doesn't matter, but make sure you don't just say A wins, the end. Say A wins for these reasons, and B is hopelessly deficient for these reasons. Here are the criteria you should use for making your decision and here's why the side I'm arguing for meets those criteria and why this other side does not.

    Keep it simple, spell correctly. You'll be fine.
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