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How To Tell When I'm Spending Too Much Time

Sam MartinSam Martin Member

Hi guys!

So usually I'm pretty good at timing but for some reason today I was off. How can you tell if you're spending too much time on a game? I'm usually good at telling if I'm spending too much time on a specific problem but I'm asking for a game in general. How much time is recommended for a harder game?

Thanks in advanced!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Sam Martin" said:
    Hi guys!

    So usually I'm pretty good at timing but for some reason today I was off. How can you tell if you're spending too much time on a game? I'm usually good at telling if I'm spending too much time on a specific problem but I'm asking for a game in general. How much time is recommended for a harder game?

    Thanks in advanced!

    You can check out all of the recommend times on the games here:

    If you can do it in under JY's recommend time you're in good shape. These times are for people aiming for close to a -0. So if you're just starting out and not as fast, don't worry.

  • Sam MartinSam Martin Member
    25 karma

    Thank you!!!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Sam Martin" said:
    Thank you!!!

    Welcome :)

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