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BR-ing the experimental section

beezmoofbeezmoof Alum Member
in General 555 karma

Hi everyone,

Should I be BR-ing my experimental section of my PTs? My experimental sections are sections from older PT's.



  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @beezmoof Yeah if you have the time then go ahead.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @beezmoof said:
    Hi everyone,

    Should I be BR-ing my experimental section of my PTs? My experimental sections are sections from older PT's.


    Of course you should! If you're going to take the time to do them, then you may as well take the time to learn what you can from them. Can't stress how much I've learned from BR'ing sections. When we take the PT, all we generally care about is getting the right answer. BR'ing allows us to go back and really examine how to think about these questions correctly and understand them at a deeper level --- super important for continual progress!

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