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To cancel or Not to cancel

tina_gktina_gk Alum Member
in General 125 karma

Ok guys.. One of my LR section went very unpredictable meaning that I was second guessing my every answer for that section and time pressure did not help and now I am not sure if I should cancel the score or not. I just want to know if it's ok to do it. and if I don't, what are the consequences. I am a Canadian LSAT taker btw, considering the Canada schools only.


  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10794 karma

    You can bomb a section and still score within your range. I learned time and time again from taking plenty of practice PT that I can bomb a section and still score in 170's. On my first real LSAT last September, I underperformed 3 of my sections and scored a lot lower than my average but it wasn't too far as well. So I wouldn't overthink one LR section. You can still fall within your score range.

    Here is a post by JY that discusses score cancellation. I think its really helpful.

    Sorry I don't know much about Canada schools so I don't know how to be helpful in that regard. But just to give you a perspective, JY wanted to cancel his score after he took his real LSAT and he scored in 170's. Same with @"Cant Get Right" - after last September LSAT he seriously considered cancelling his score but he decided to keep it since he was already guaranteed a seat at UPenn. Turned out he scored a 176. So I wouldn't make a decision based on how you feel but more based on probability. If you were consistently scoring around your goal range in practice test, there is a good chance you scored around that last Saturday. It's not a guarantee but its a pretty good possibility.

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