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I’ve been accepted! But don’t really want to go there...

I got accepted at a law school, but they were more of a backup in case I don’t get in anywhere else. What do I do to tell a school thank you but I’m not interested?


  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    I it the deadline to reply already or something? Because if not, you don't have to make any decisions yet. If it's a back-up, then wait and see where else you get in. Law school offer replies are not as personal or interactive as, say...job offer acceptances, for example. Usually it's just the push of a button to accept or reject an offer. But play it safe for now and wait.

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma

    Yep it's all apart of the process. Some schools we apply to because we want to go... others for safety to know we will have somewhere to go and maybe even some for leveraging other schools.

    Keep them "secured" till you decide later in the cycle.

    I would be sure not to apply to any other schools you're not interested. We don't want to take seats away from others.

    Also be sure to give up your seat once you know for sure you're not going. Let someone else off the waitlist!!

    I have a school that was safety but I was still a splitter for. They surprised me today with a full tuition scholarship. So they went from being a safety to top of the list and others schools are now competing with them.

    If I don't go to this school I'll feel a little bad because the admissions person has been on my side the entire time and I know the full ride ties directly back to her. But she also knows my stats and knows I might go elsewhere. It's all apart of the "admissions game".

    She even made my seat deposit deadline later than other people with the same scholarship to give me time. Which makes me want to go there even more. Your safety school might surprise you!

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