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Doubt in myself

jo-nathanjo-nathan Alum Member
in General 11 karma

The words to describe how i feel at this moment is tough. When i first took the lsat, i didnt study. I was confident. My score in june was 142. Not good. My score reflected my study habit.

For the past 4 months, here in 7sage, i studied, understood the concepts. Knew how to breakdown a question and choose the right answer choice, knew the logic games, reading comp., i understood why i got a 142 in june and how i can get better score because of what i learned.

To my disbelief, today, i see i scored 12 pts lower then my june score.

How? Where did i fail? Why is this fucking test so goddamn hard!?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"jo-nathan" said:
    The words to describe how i feel at this moment is tough. When i first took the lsat, i didnt study. I was confident. My score in june was 142. Not good. My score reflected my study habit.

    For the past 4 months, here in 7sage, i studied, understood the concepts. Knew how to breakdown a question and choose the right answer choice, knew the logic games, reading comp., i understood why i got a 142 in june and how i can get better score because of what i learned.

    To my disbelief, today, i see i scored 12 pts lower then my june score.

    How? Where did i fail? Why is this fucking test so goddamn hard!?

    It sounds to me like you may have mis-bubbled in a section. Where did you miss the points on your test? Were they confined to a certain section?

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    Curious what your PTs were averaging. Don't give up.

  • You're not going to allow this minor set back to destroy your future career in law. Could it have been a scantron issue? Eh probably not. Could it have been that a section made you lose your confidence at the halfway mark, sure, maybe.
    But what was most likely the issue; was your psyching yourself out. You're going to hear many people saying that their PTs were awesome, but the actual score back was as though a stranger was taking the exam. Wondering how could I have possibly done so badly? I worked my ass off bro... This can't be right... This is actually not possible.
    Unfortunately it is, my score was laugh/gag worthy too. But let me tell you that this isn't the test, we don't ever actually win an LSAT. We just find a way to make it out alive.

    Practice more, dedicate yourself. I thought that 6 months was enough for me, and it was the biggest wake up call for me to realize I ain't shit. Actually. It's been a year now, and I still want this. The fire in the pit of my heart and soul flicker away with each test, but the flames are still there. This test is to prove that we are either quitters who are not persistent, or showing yourselves that the only thing to do is come to understanding if you want that fire to crackle down without help, or if you want to keep adding wood to keep the fire going?

  • jo-nathanjo-nathan Alum Member
    edited December 2017 11 karma

    Kaitlinroser12, that touched me and I cried again. Not out of anger or pity in myself but because you are right. I want this so much and i never been one to quit. At the moment, as i processed this score, i did want to but in my heart i don't.

    Im going to figure out financially the steps to be able to take it again and hop back into prep course.

    Thank you.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Have you tried contacting a tutor from this site? Also, it's worth it to buy a course package on here. Don't give up. While certainly upsetting right now, this is simply a setback and it probably won't matter in 5 years.

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