Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Tiny errors? - 7Sage Forum

Tiny errors?

Bdv96122Bdv96122 Alum Member

Sent out my law school apps last week and I knoww/have been told 100 times to not constantly review the completed applications. I do however think Ive made a slight error on the start date of my undergraduate institution. The years are correct but I put the wrong month. The month isnt even off by much which is why I feel silly for even asking. The difference would literally be a few days because I had actually started the month prior to the one listed but at the very end of that month. Am I freaking out for nothing or does something have to be done about this? When I was working on my applications that month was just automatically there so I thought it was a CAS thing and that date was accurate


  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    edited January 2018 346 karma

    That difference is not material, and they have the accurate month from CAS, which they will defer to. I wouldn't sweat it. If you want, you could email your schools and ask them to make an amendment, but I imagine they might find that annoying because it isn't material and it creates a lot more work for them. The certifications you sign aren't to "catch" you on something like this - they're to make sure you know it would be a problem for you to intentionally or accidentally include materially inaccurate information or omit something material.

  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    Wanted to bump this to see if others have thoughts!

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