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Saturday observer test?

jordanrex30jordanrex30 Alum Member
edited October 2014 in General 64 karma
I'm not a Saturday observer but I do play college basketball and we have a game the day of the dec lsat. What are the rules to not take a Saturday test? Could I possibly switch it to the Monday? I don't practice that religion but the only way I can take the lsat this winter is if it isn't on a Saturday. Wondering if you guys have any advice or experience with a situation like this.


  • justrandomjustrandom Alum Member
    343 karma
    I think you actually need proof that you are a Sabbath observer. This is what the LSAC says, "You may register for a Saturday Sabbath observers administration online, but a reporting hold will be placed on your file and no admission ticket will be available until LSAC receives a letter written on official stationery signed by your minister or rabbi confirming your religious affiliation."

    My advice would be just to skip the basketball game. This is an important exam and I'm sure your coach will understand. However, if the basketball game is that important to you and you don't plan on applying to law school for this cycle, then just register for it in February or June.
  • bluedot423bluedot423 Free Trial Member
    12 karma
    Like he said, unless you are a Sabbath observer and can get your rabbi to confirm this, the only real way to take the LSAT on a non-Saturday would be by taking it in June.

    If you are graduating next Spring, and are confident in your chances at getting into law school, I think you need to take a hard look at your priorities. I get 'being there for the team' and 'not letting your teammates down', so you just need to figure out which is more important.
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