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Going down -10 points in Practice Test

dgnortondgnorton Member
in General 40 karma

Hi I took a practice test today and scored 10 points lower than my last practice test and even lower than my diagnostic test...am I doing something wrong in my preparation?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    How have you been prepping? How many PTs have you taken?

    10 points is a pretty big drop. Are you sure you weren't just having an off day? Did you like totally bomb games or another section you usually do well on?

  • dgnortondgnorton Member
    40 karma

    I have been taking more recent tests and this one was from 2001..could that be part of the issue/ are the more recent tests more accurate of what to expect on feb 2018 lsat?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @dgnorton said:
    I have been taking more recent tests and this one was from 2001..could that be part of the issue/ are the more recent tests more accurate of what to expect on feb 2018 lsat?

    Yeah, the more recent tests are definitely going to be a more accurate diagnostic of how you can expect to do on your test in Feb 2018. PTs 34-36 (from 2001) are a bit different and may have accounted for some of the score discrepancy, but ten points suggests something else is going on.

    Where did you miss these points? Were the misses evenly distributed? Were they mostly confined to a single section?

  • pioneer321pioneer321 Free Trial Member
    328 karma

    Anyone can have a bad day. Don't kill yourself over one bad test. I remember taking PT 73 and scoring 162, after more or less consistent 170s. Now your job is to review and analyze the crap out of this test, dissect every single question you missed, try to figure out what was different about this PT that made you score below your average, then let it go, and move onto the next one. Good luck!

  • dgnortondgnorton Member
    40 karma

    @"Alex Divine" I had a big drop in logic games. the other sections were a little lower than my average but not too far off

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