Looking to form a group of serious LSATers in NYC. Please post your email info if you're interested in group PTs on weekends in preparation for the December (or Feb) LSAT. Also please feel free to suggest locations. In a previous post we were discussing room reservations at NYPL; there are also open public spaces in midtown. Looking forward to destroying the LSAT together!
EDIT: Email not needed. Just realized that we can have group conversations on this site. So just post that you're interested and I will add you to the conversation.
My email is mmaritza.garcia@gmail.com.
I've boiled down a list of indoor public spaces with seating and early operating hours in manhattan (you'll see in thread)
@jayswims sorry to hear that (jk). But judging by your username it sounds like it won't ever stop you from getting to Manhattan. Are you interested in weekend practice tests?