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LOR website questions

probably a stupid question - but on the LSAC LOR form, are the "phone number" and "Prefix" fields important?

I ask because I already sent the emails through the system but I didn't fill out the prefex (Dr.) or the phone number fields before sending. It's not letting me edit and resend, only delete and create new

Does this matter or is it totally inconsequential? Does a recommendation look suspect if it doesn't have a contact phone number?


  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited April 2018 1028 karma


  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    You should ask your recommenders which titles they prefer. If you google their curriculum vitae or their bio in the university website, you should be able to obtain information about their title as well as their phone number.

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