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I recently got into an accident when I was a passenger in a car share service. The driver who hit my uber has insurance and I recently got settlement money out of the whole ordeal (basically money to cover health insurance since I went to the hospital for a check up to make sure I was ok and some compensation for the inconvenience)
Does this count as a lawsuit or something I need to say yes to in the CF portion of apps if I'm asked if I was party to something?
Admin note: edited title for clarity
Never went to court, never "sued", basically just got the insurance info of this guy and the insurance company agreed to give me $X for settlement
I am being asked to sign docs that say I agree to receding $X and release (Person who hit us) and (his insurance company) from any legal obligation
Always read the specific language of the prompt, but I don’t see how this is a C&F issue. Were you at fault in any way? Were you charged or cited with anything? If not, this doesn’t qualify as a C&F issue as I’ve ever understood it.
I'd ask a lawyer?
Most prompts phrase the questions along the line of: have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime or any violation of the law. It sounds like that would clearly be a “no” here. Every school phrases the question a little differently, but none have mentioned lawsuits that I’ve seen. I’m not sure if bars have a broader definition and look into lawsuits, but even so, you’re not at fault so shouldn’t be an issue.
Yes, I think a quick question to a lawyer is a good idea here.