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Columbia Waitlist

TheAnxious0LTheAnxious0L Alum Member
in General 587 karma

What the heck. Why is (nearly) everyone at Columbia getting wait listed, even when they have 170+ LSAT scores and a 3.6+ GPA's? I get YP, and an increased applicant pool etc etc...but this seems excessive.



  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    A lot of speculation but people seem to think waitlists are going to be a lot bigger this year because of the increased size of the applicant pool, the higher number of high scorers, the uncertainty of increasing 1L class sizes and a few other factors. People think that the WL is a way for a school to protect itself by not admitting a ton of people that won’t attend and seeing who is actually interested, while giving them a chance to protect their medians.

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    Hard to know. Columbia doesn't normally yield protect as much as Penn, Michigan, and Virginia though.

    Looking at the chart it seems to me that people with above a 173 and a 3.5 are doing okay. People with a 172 are doing okay with above a 3.7.

    So I would guess Columbia is trying to move its median LSAT up to a 172. from 171 last year and mantain its GPA median of about a 3.70.

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