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I know the CC is 300 hours of curriculum, and I'm not confident that I'll finish all of it in that time (mind you, my June test is later than yours! Beauty of international living, with the only downside that I have to go to a different country to take the dang test) with enough time to PT and BR. I'm working full time and sneaking in as much studying as I can.
My weakest area right now is LG, with some struggles around LR. My RC is pretty good (nearly perfect, just some sloppy mistakes from me thinking I'm hot stuff for finishing fast). My CD was 162, and the PT I took a week into studying was also a 162 (with a BR of 169, ran out of time on a whole game in LG! ack!). Haven't taken a PT since (they're being shipped to me now from the US), but I've read almost all of the LG Bible and I'm consistently getting -0 on games now when I do the ones in the Bible untimed but I'm still very slow with them. My goal is to be hitting 173+ by June 24th, and I feel like a 10 pt increase when most of those points are in LG isn't too unreasonable?
Do I need the CC in order to get myself to a good spot by end of June? Or should I keep rereading the LG bible, doing drills, doing PTs and BRs, watching the 7Sage videos, waiting for the LR Bible to come in the mail, and hoping really hard? I'm worried about the time that I would throw into the CC, and how that trades off with the time that I ought to be spending doing PTs and BR
Also I don't have consistent internet because I live in rural SE Asia, so I'm not certain how accessible the 7Sage package will be for me?
As much as I am inclined to say otherwise, if your Internet connection is unstable, then you may want to stick to Bibles and PTs. I live in an area where Internet connection is relatively stable, but it certainly tests my patience when it goes through a lapse. I also know from experience that Internet connection in an Asian rural area can be very, very unstable (my experience stems from a different part of the continent, however, so take that with a few grains of salt).
A 10 point jump is not out of the question given 12+ weeks but it is dependent on what PTs you are using as your baseline for exposure to the test. Really appreciate your honesty and laughed out loud at your humor relating your score breakdown in LG and RC 
Excited about your dedication to study for lsat especially given your logistical conditions
Without a consistent internet connection, I am not sure how to advise you on purchasing 7Sage that is an internet based curriculum. I appreciate how JY has broken down his video lessons into smaller videos to not overwhelm my computer; another aspect is that I can target the lessons that address my weakness without having to look at the whole curriculum.
While it has been invaluable to me, not sure how you could gain the same experience if you don't have internet access to the curriculum to focus on your weaknesses and watch JYs PT explanations to gain understanding and improve your score.
A 162 diagnostic is great! Be smart on your BR to raise your scores on future PTs.
All the Best
I'm BAFFLED by my dedication to the LSAT, but that's a different story (I had expected that I would slack off, and maybe just have to do this a whole different year, but instead I've been putting in 3x the amount of hours I expected and finding myself enjoying the rigor). I'm trying to spend as much time as possible laughing at myself, so it's delightful that you're joining me in that! Getting that RC score and seeing that I missed questions despite finishing with 7 min to spare was half hysterical and half alarming, but the funny side is the best of it.
I'm feeling a bit stuck on the studying front. Essentially, until the LG Bible and LR Bible get shipped to me, I've just got this PDF of the LG Bible to see me through. If I can't download the 7Sage CC when I have internet connection (but rather have to stream it, which I logistically cannot do), and I can't buy more books and trust they'll make it with enough time for me to read them, I guess I'm between a rock and a hard place. BR like crazy it is, then!
I have downloaded all of 7Sage's brilliant YouTube videos of LG explanations while at that one McDonalds that's an hour from my house, so now I do have something to help with fool proofing. If the CC isn't available in similar format, it seems like it'd be a waste of money and limited mobile data.
Well, if I can get 170+ in these conditions, it'll go to show something significant. Who knows what exactly, but something.
Thanks for the response
@FixedDice I'm with you on the patience-testing. If I'm trying to stream anything and it gets laggy, I get so aggravated! If downloading the CC isn't an option, I guess I've just gotta skip it. If you've got any rural Asia travel advice, by the way, I'd love it! I have two months after my grant here ends that I'm going to explore the region