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June 2018 LSAT Study Partner/Group (Arlington, VA/Washington DC)

Jane1990Jane1990 Alum Member
edited March 2018 in Study Groups 197 karma


I am looking for a study partner to meet twice a week to do PT and BR together until the June LSAT. I took the September and December 2017 LSATs (161 and 160). I had been PTing at 167-172 before the December LSAT, but I got really sick on the test day. June 2018 will be my last shot, so I want to make every effort to get a 170+ on this test.

I work full time, so I am available after 4 p.m. on weekdays or during the weekend. My strongest section is Games (usually -0), so I can help with this section. I am looking for someone with strength in either RC or LR.

Please let me know if you are interested!

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