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What does this mean?

Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
in General 150 karma

I recently took PT25 and scored 138 under-timed condition ( i guess more than half the test because i ran out of time) and my BR was 156 and my aim score is 160. so i am confuse as to what does these scores show? does this mean i need to focus more on time? what can i do to bring my timed test up? also I plan to take the june test and i no longer have access to the CC because i got sick and forgot to pay before it expired. but i do have detailed notes from the CC and I do have copies of all the LSAT from PT 1-74 and i havent use any of the test from 26 and up. if anyone have any suggestion/methods on how i can improve my score i would love to hear them.


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    The blind review of 154 shows that you need to continue working on thing untimed for a while before you start worrying too much about PTs. If you can't get your goal score untimed, you are not going to get it timed.

    If you give us your section breakdown you might get some more specific advice.

    However, usually it is worth your time to foolproof logic games which you can do with tests 1-35 and the free logic games explanations available online.

    For the other two sections, I think you are going to need access to the Core Curriculum and some test explanations.

    Once you get your logic ganes perfect and have made significant progress on the other two sections you will want to start doing timed sections. If you have foolproofed them you'll be pretty good at loguc games so they will be a comfortable place to start taking timed sections. Do the same with LR and RC. Then take another test. After that you'll want to examine whether there are question types you are persistently missing or wasting time on and drill those along with taking practice tests and blind reviewing.

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