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GRE for Law?

Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
in General 346 karma

Hey guys sorry if this off topic but I just took the GRE and scored a 315...is this a decent score? Do you guys know anyone who has gotten into a top ten school law or business school with a 315 or relatively close?


  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    Did you take the lsatt??

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma


  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    What are your career goals? Either with law degree or business degree or both

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    @Rtwrtw8 Yeah I was gonna say don't you think there's something off with comparing the two since the GRE General has math? I would think percentiles matter more...it apparently says 162.

  • Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    And my goals are to a J.D / M.B.A- I am currently pursuing a B.B.A in business economics and public policy. I am passionate about the environment and understanding the role of public policy on corporate social responsibility.

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