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Taking the September LSAT?

legallyspoonielegallyspoonie Free Trial Member
in General 15 karma

Did decent in June 2017 for my first time and got 138. Took it for the second time in February, and I did worse (135). I believe that I did worse on the February LSAT because despite studying as much as possible, I was also grieving at the time. Thinking of reusing the material I have, but would like to know more information to do better my third time.


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    What's your goal score?

  • legallyspoonielegallyspoonie Free Trial Member
    15 karma

    @jkatz1488 said:
    What's your goal score?


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    So you're still working towards that as a PT average, right? Whats your current average?

    If you have access to the bundle, fool-proofing is most likely the best place to use your time (without knowing your sectional scores). You should be able to use all of your unfresh material for that too.

    You can use unfresh material to practice RC reading for structure (super low resolution summaries) and "foolproof" LR. By "foolproofing" LR I mean keeping a binder of questions you had difficulty with and really breakdown the question as best you can. Keep adding to the binder and review them regularly. Over time, you should begin to recognize cookie-cutter questions.

  • legallyspoonielegallyspoonie Free Trial Member
    edited May 2018 15 karma

    I do not know my current PT average at the moment.

    I am researching different study methods to do better the third time as the first two were terrible.

    I do not understand how to fool-proof, but I am interested in trying out the starter course. I am just curious if the fee is a one-time fee.

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