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Best Places to Take Practice Exams

in General 93 karma

Hey 7Sagers!

Was wondering if you could share some comments on your favorite places to take practice exams!

Many thanks!


  • SwoopSwoopEagleSwoopSwoopEagle Alum Member
    78 karma

    Public Library

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I also like testing at the public library. It's quiet, but also slightly higher noise level than actual test day, which I think is ideal for preparing yourself.

    I like switching it up some too, to make sure I don't get too content and used to 1 environment. So I would occasionally take them at home where it's very quiet, and I took a few at coffeeshops where it's very loud and distracting.

  • protagonistalexprotagonistalex Alum Member
    56 karma

    I'm also a fan of the public library, especially since my testing site is just down the block! I tried sitting outside at Starbucks for the first time yesterday, and everything was really quiet until a whole family sat down at the table next to me. I've tried doing a couple at home, but my pets seem to think me sitting down to take a test is an open invitation to come bother me. :/

  • 93 karma

    @"Leah M B" , I'm with @protagonistalex ! My house is not quiet at all :( But I'll take your advice and try public library first. @protagonistalex I totally feel that. It's the worst when your envi is perfect and then someone comes and messes it all up :'D But hey, that'll help you be prepared for anything on test day

  • 439 karma

    on weekends I go to a coffee shop where all the locals go to study. It's usually really noisy but like a consistent level so once I get in the zone I can just tune it out. During the week I stay after work and do one at my desk, super quiet. I try to keep my PTing environment inconsistent, to make sure my test location doesn't feel unfamiliar.

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