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Re applying can hurt one's chances?

If I don't go forward with a certain school after applying to it or don't pursue with their application, does it hurt to apply to the same school again for next year? Will they still offer scholarship if I get same or higher marks on LSAT since I had not pursued with their application and waited to apply in the next cycle?
Can someone who has experience with admissions reply!
I appreciate your help in this!



  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Doesn’t hurt and yes you still get a merit scholarship

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    It depends. I can say for sure that it doesn't make you look better by applying a second time - if you've already been accepted once. However, if you can make a compelling application that suggests that their school is the one you really want to attend (and your numbers reflect that) then it shouldn't be too big of a deal. What's more important is that you attend law school at the time that works for you. If you aren't happy with the current offer, then you are under no obligation to attend. Just be willing to accept that some schools might not want you if you don't make it clear that this is the school that you are interested in ultimately attending.

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    @Ohnoeshalpme said:
    It depends.

    You're taking a significant risk reapplying to a school that already admitted you. You have to have a really good reason (e.g. wanted more money) and also display real financial hardship. If this is your plan, I would recommend that you reach out to the school directly before you apply to tell them why you didn't attend and also tell them of any extenuating circumstances that put you in this possession. Make it believable, because they have to buy it.

    If you don't get into a school and you are reapplying, it can only help. I applied three times and don't think I would have gotten into the schools I did if it weren't for my apps displaying a true desire to attend.

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