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I have found that listening to soundtracks really helps boost my concentration at times, but I don't want to develop a habit of being able to concentrate only when music is playing. This is only for studying and reviewing concept, not during my PTs, but should I still stay away from listening to anything at all?
I usually study with music. For some reason, when I listen to music it makes me concentrate because of all the noise. I haven't tried it while studying for the LSAT but hey, if it helps you why not? Don't rely on it of course but if it helps you get into the groove when reviewing then try it. I'd be interested to see whether or not music helps when BRing because sometimes I find myself slipping away or losing my train of focus after some time.
What do you usually listen to?
LG and metallica is a formidable combo
Yes, but only songs that I don't know the words to or classical instrumentals. I find that if I know the song I'll start singing along and lose focus.
That's great to hear! I am just worried that my brain will become conditioned into being able to concentrate only when I am listening to music and I don't want that happening on test day or anything. I enjoy listening to soundtracks primarily, such as film or game OSTs because they don't have lyrics that distract and are usually designed to be "background" music.
Yeah I totally get your concern. That's part of why I'm hesitant to try it out with LSAT studying but I mean maybe try it out when doing problem sets or reviewing your notes? A few times won't hurt. Obviously don't do it while you're PTing! I do the same too, I just like the background sound. I'm weird, either I study in complete silence or I need some distraction. Listening to instrumentals of smooth songs are nice too!
It's the same for me! It's either complete silence or something on in the background.
I could never study with music. It kills my vibe
TBH.....Not sure I could study without Spotify's Ja Rule and DMX playlists....
Sometimes music, sometimes not.
I don’t ever play music while drilling or PTing, but I’ll sometimes have some light instrumental music in the background if my motivation is low and I need some comfort sounds.
I mostly tried to replicate actual test day but increase the noise a little. So I studied in my local universities libraries cafeteria without any headphones almost everyday.
One day three old profs wouldn't stop talking loudly about Trump at the table next to me which was kind of distracring and I snapped and listened to some music, but I wouldn't mamake a habit of it.
I used to while drilling but not during PTs
I had the same reservations that you have—I tried to shy away from listening to music because I did not want to develop a habit of being able to concentrate only while music is being played. I realized that despite my concerns, music has actually helped me enjoy studying. Time has become less of an issue, my anxiety is more at ease, and I have seen much improvement in my concentration. I have grown to look forward to studying because I get to listen to music
(for me, it has become just pleasant background noise. I am only consciously aware of the music when I start and finish my session/breaks; otherwise it is subconscious joy, lol)
I hope this helps & good luck with everything!
I use vocal-less jazz from time to time but if I'm doing anything timed, I cut out the music. Music seems to help me focus no matter the setting. I agree on listening to music I don't know the words to; I'll effortlessly start singing along haha.