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Test Day Strategy

CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
in General 1270 karma

Do you look at all the answer choices if you know you are 100% certain on an answer choice before getting to E? There are many LR questions that I know are 100% right at choices A, B, or C (if I get to answer D I will go to E regardless, even if it goes against what this question is asking). I was thinking of just circling these questions and going back to them if I have time. Any thoughts would be much appreciated it.


  • s_jrickes_jricke Alum Member
    edited July 2018 360 karma

    @July2018Taker said:
    Do you look at all the answer choices if you know you are 100% certain on an answer choice before getting to E? There are many LR questions that I know are 100% right at choices A, B, or C (if I get to answer D I will go to E regardless, even if it goes against what this question is asking). I was thinking of just circling these questions and going back to them if I have time. Any thoughts would be much appreciated it.

    Personally, if I'm in hunt mode and I find what I'm looking for then I just circle it and move on because I want that extra time just in case I come across a really difficult curve breaker question. Also, like you said, if you have enough time you can go back and double check.

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    Thanks. That helps!

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